Well not quite: as I write this, he's apparently in the WHL boardroom (hopefully delivering a few parting shots to the assembled suits who have made his last few months in the job a thoroughly torrid affair, before leaving with a reported £4m in compensation), but what is clear is that the most popular Spurs manager since Bill Nicholson has overseen his last game in for the club.
It would be unnecessary to grind out the raft of rumours which have circulated since about 8:45 this evening (when ITV4's coverage broke the story) but as yet nothing has been confirmed, other than that for the time being Jol is officially unemployed.
I, along with just about every other true Tottenham fan out there, wish him well and will remain grateful for the style and the passion with which he has rejuvinated the club during his (nearly) three years in charge. I only hope that the debacle which has been his protracted departure doesn't sour his or anyone else's memory of his time in N17. Thanks Martin, and good luck.
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