Friday, 12 June 2009

Shh...their spies are everywhere.

I spent most of today sneezing my own brains out at the office. It's official, my hayfever has kicked in. This relatively recent development has only begun to afflict me in the past few years but now, each summer for one or two weeks straight, I am rendered incapacitated by sniffing, snorting and rubbing my nose red raw with supposedly supersoft tissues - all the while necking antihistamines like I'm trying to take an overdose.

Forgive the graphic detail, but today my left nostil ran like Red Rum on steriods, it just wouldn't stop. And it was of the particularly thin kind that creeps up on you with no warning. Most embarrassing when talking to your editor.

By the time I got home my schnoz had started behaving itself and what could have been a potentially fraught trip to the supermarket passed off without incident.

I returned to my laptop and logged into my email. Ooh, I have 1 new message.

"Kleenex Tissues is now following you on Twitter!"

HOW DID THEY KNOW!? Did they plan this? I've come to the conclusion that's all one big conspiracy and they must release vast quantities of pollen and other airborne irritants from a gigantic Tuppaware container somewhere over the channel and wait for the prevailing winds to take hold.

Their marketing manager is a genius.

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