Saturday, 19 April 2008

My last day of work in Whistler

The dark cloud over my head, the weight upon my shoulders, the constant burden of having to attend to and satisfy the whims of utterly clueless and often horrendously indecisive customers has finally been lifted. I am no longer an employee of Whistler Blackcomb. No more will I have to force a smile onto my face when the laughably inept 'guest' asks me to fetch a XXL-sized fleece for them (no doubt because their fingers are just too fat to file through the rack) or fold an entire pile of tee-shirts only for some belligerent teenage snowboarder with his board pants belted precariously around his knees to unfold and artlessly drape each and every one back on the shelf.

Undoubtedly, this experience has made me bitter. I need to spend the next few weeks being a customer instead of having to tolerate them.

And how am I celebrating this occassion and my last Payday Friday in Whistler? By sitting, in my sweats, blogging. I am a spent force.


Anonymous said...

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William Nichols said...

hey Jim, good to see you're still blogging. i haven't for ages, but just wrote a really long thing on the train. read it! wxxxx