It's been a while - far, far too long, in fact - but your humble blogger is back.
So how have you been? Summer was a bit of a non-event, wasn't it? How about
those Spurs?
Right, that's the pleasantries taken care of, on to the matter in hand. What's prompted me to break 18 months of radio silence is a good 'un, so read on.
In the spirit of charity, philanthropy and sheer red-blooded masculinity, I have decided to participate in this year’s Movember. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, Movember is a charitable event in which men all over the world grow a moustache throughout (the month formerly known as) November, in order to raise money for and awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.
So, on the morning of Tuesday November 1st I will rekindle my relationship with my razor and expose areas of my face to direct sunlight for the first time in at least three years, before attempting to cultivate a half-way convincing hairy top lip throughout the following month.
I would really appreciate your support in my hirsute pursuit, so to donate to the cause please visit my MoBro page. All donations are welcome, but in the spirit on oneupman/womanship, please feel free to try to outdo each
I will be using this page (and this very blog) to write the occasional (hopefully) witty missive as well as post pictures of the progress of my mo.
Yours in hairiness...