Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Movember - Day 1: Ouch

When you’ve got more than a £100 of other people’s money riding on you having a shave, you’d better reach for the razor. Last night, it was with significant trepidation that I lathered up in order to kick off Movember in style.

Not since the tender age of 22 had I exposed my pasty jowls to the elements. I like being hairy, it means a lot to me. In the masculinity stakes, it’s pretty much the only weapon in my arsenal.

On arriving at the office this morning, the reactions ranged from “Oh you look quite good” to “God, you look young”. I took them in the spirit in which they were intended. All of the comments were kicked into touch by my girlfriend’s reflection, some 24 hours after actually shaving: “You know, it makes you look a bit chubby.”

You have to have a much fun as you can with these occasions, don’t you? Here I am, about to audition for a Red Hot Chili Peppers tribute act.

One thing I was grateful for was that nobody mentioned the fact that, as I’m so out of practice, I’d clearly cut myself to ribbons. As such I won’t continue reacquainting myself with my bladed friend until tomorrow evening at the earliest.

I’m free of facial hair and for some inexplicable reason spots have broken out on my forehead. The gods of male grooming as toying with me. I am 16 once again.

So far this has hurt. In the name of all that is good and holy, please donate. Thank you.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Hello world (and bye-bye face-fuzz)

It's been a while - far, far too long, in fact - but your humble blogger is back.

So how have you been? Summer was a bit of a non-event, wasn't it? How about
those Spurs?

Right, that's the pleasantries taken care of, on to the matter in hand. What's prompted me to break 18 months of radio silence is a good 'un, so read on.

In the spirit of charity, philanthropy and sheer red-blooded masculinity, I have decided to participate in this year’s Movember. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, Movember is a charitable event in which men all over the world grow a moustache throughout (the month formerly known as) November, in order to raise money for and awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.

So, on the morning of Tuesday November 1st I will rekindle my relationship with my razor and expose areas of my face to direct sunlight for the first time in at least three years, before attempting to cultivate a half-way convincing hairy top lip throughout the following month.

I would really appreciate your support in my hirsute pursuit, so to donate to the cause please visit my MoBro page. All donations are welcome, but in the spirit on oneupman/womanship, please feel free to try to outdo each

I will be using this page (and this very blog) to write the occasional (hopefully) witty missive as well as post pictures of the progress of my mo.

Yours in hairiness...