Not that we didn't see it coming a mile off, but perhaps it's the recent downgrading of the weather from 'stifling and hot' to 'grim and blustery' that has prompted me into finally posting this long overdue missive and revelling in the memory of the gloriously sunny weekend in which my girlfriend and I finally made good on our promise to take our first trip to Brighton.
It was on a blisteringly hot Sunday that my better half, my parents and I drove down to the Sussex coast, basking in the sunshine and looking forward to the joys of the seaside on the perfect summer's day. The beach and surrounding area was heaving, but the huge crowds and and sweltering weather just added to my excitement at visiting for the first time. My abiding memories of the British seaside come courtesy of Essex Coast family favourite Southend, which is made to look decidedly second-rate (recent multi-million-pound rejuvination project notwithstanding) in comparison.
Here's the missus and I enjoying our day at the seaside.
Likewise, my folks.
For those who have yet to visit the bustling, vibrant magnet for all that's young and hip you'll not be surprised by the crowds and, while this is definitely a family-friendly resort, the presence of a large university and scores of young visitors means this really is a mecca for the twenty-something sunseeker. While certain coastal towns a few hundred miles west may have developed a reputation for underage drinking and illicit moonlit parties in recent years, you wont find many empty Bacardi Breezer bottles and empty packets of Benson's strewn over the beach here, oh no. Modern waterfront bars and live music are definitely the flavour.
It's worth noting that my family has a strong traditional streak: we spent a good hour and a half playing pitch and putt a little way up the coast, and had fish and chips on the beach.
And Brighton seems to share this sensibility too. It has, bursting out from the coastline and imposing itself on the waterfront, a traditional, comfortingly-cheesy pier and some proper deckchairs (albeit rendered in some fetching modern colours).